A Headhunter’s Recipe for a Happy Christmas

Christmas is approaching. Across Europe, the US and beyond the season of office parties, carol concerts and festive cheer is upon us. Fidelio takes up the theme and has sourced for clients and friends the ingredients for happiness at this most celebrated of Christian festivals.

Gillian Karran-Cumberlege

Our first ingredient is forgiveness. This is not an activity typically associated with Christmas. However, Fidelio recognises a seasonal opportunity to pardon bankers.

Yes, we concede some bankers have behaved egregiously but most have not. We leave 2013 to future Overtures and merely observe at this point that the UK, Continental Europe and the US need a thriving banking system. Growth will remain elusive until capital flows more freely.

Constantly berating bankers and heaping evermore regulation upon their heads is an easy win for politicians and the media. Opprobrium is seemingly inexpensive but Fidelio is of the firm opinion that the economy would be in considerably better shape if bankers were rehabilitated. Yes we expect better and more socially responsible behaviour. But we also need smart and well educated people to be working and benefiting the economy as a whole.

Our second ingredient is generosity. We absolutely recognise that Christmas has a tremendously important spiritual dimension. Without descending into unbridled materialism, Fidelio firmly encourages the giving of presents to family and friends. We trust each gift spreads a little happiness.

Scrooge was better than his word. He did it all, and infinitely more; and to Tiny Tim, who did not die, he was a second father. He became as good a friend, as good a master, and as good a man, as the good old city knew, or any other good old city, town, or borough, in the good old world.

– Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol

Certainly the physical buying of gifts provides much needed support to high street retailers. The virtual buying of on-line gifts is undoubtedly a more significant economic trend. So much so that we now have an impassioned debate as to where corporation tax should be paid on the profits of online retailing.

Swiftly sidestepping this issue, Fidelio advocates priming our flagging economy with Christmas generosity to family and friends. Clearly we don’t want to return to the debt-frenzied Christmas bonanza which pre-dated the 2008 crunch. Small gifts like larger gifts are potential catalysts which can help set us back on the path to economic growth.

Our final ingredient for a Happy Christmas is celebrating. Whether with family or friends Christmas is a wonderful and cheerful disruption to the daily drudge. Austerity has long tentacles and for many in work or seeking a role 2012 has been a tough year. Fidelio therefore advocates spending time with loved ones, enjoying a well-deserved break and at least for a short period ignoring economic woes.

Lasst uns froh und munter sein und uns recht von Herzen freuen.

– Traditional German Christmas Carol

For those able to stand back and observe, it is clear that fundamental societal and economic changes are underway. Indeed the degree of social and disruption across many Western countries in recent years has highlighted that more of the same is not the answer. Taking time out from a difficult economy over Christmas can put us in a better frame of mind to deal with the challenges of low growth and lack of confidence in the year ahead.

Fidelio is confident that forgiveness of bankers (and other sinners!); a generous approach to giving presents; and finally taking a well-earned break are all important ingredients of a very Happy Christmas. This is particularly true for a headhunter looking forward to the year ahead. A functioning banking system, a thriving retail sector and fresh and innovative thinking for the year ahead all feature prominently on Santa’s Christmas list.

But this is all for the next edition of Overture which will examine the ingredients for a Prosperous New Year. At this point, Fidelio simply urges readers to focus wholeheartedly on a Happy Christmas or Holiday – an excellent goal for the days ahead.

Coming Up…

Overture explores how talent drives valuation. Future editions of Overture will deal with

• A headhunter’s recipe for a prosperous New Year
• Unlearning CEO behaviours
• Leadership teams for new markets
• Communications in China – the talent bottle neck
• Articulating the value of the IR profession

Please contact us with comments or for more information on Fidelio Partners on info@fideliopartners.com

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