November 25, 2016 BERENBERG, LONDON
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IR Council Conference – "Rites of Passage for Investor Relations", 25 November 2016

As a Board Development and Executive Search firm specialising in roles critical to shareholders and stakeholders, Fidelio was delighted to join international Heads of IR from across Europe at the IR Council to lead a presentation and discussion on the”Rites of Passage for IR”.

In the session, we shared insights based on our Board and IR Search expertise as well as our own experience of leading major IR teams.  We explored the career development of senior IR Directors and the “rites of passage” in the IR role and beyond.

For IR Directors interested in a seat at the Board table, Fidelio outlined the skills and capabilities they need to develop in order to become credible candidates for the top table.

Shareholder engagement is increasingly on the Board agenda, IR Directors should not be marginalised in this process.






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